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  3. The DTD Warm-Up Exercise Program

The DTD Warm-Up Exercise Program


As we travel the country teaching programs of all services and experience levels, we work to ensure everyone understands the three unique models of practice that govern successful drill team preparation: Teaching (for UNDERSTANDING), Training (for developing QUALITY), and Rehearsing (for developing COMFORT).

Key to both training and rehearsal is our fundamental-building exercise program.  This unique series of warm-up drills effectively allows teams to hyper-focus on individual quality while simultaneously developing outstanding situational awareness between team members for items such as alignment.

The fact of the matter is this: with the density of commands found in most drill sequences, using the drill card to hone both individual skills and team awareness is, at best, woefully in effective and, at worst, a great way to ensure that for every one good habit formed, three bad ones erupt to take its place.  These exercises allow you to dial into key components that effect the entirety of the drill card without wasting precious time marching around the drill floor.

Not only are these exercises a key component of practice, they are also brief enough to perform before moving to the drill area at a competition and we highly recommend using them as a game-day warm-up once your team has suited up.  Just build in enough time and find a quiet space or hallway away from others!

The Exercises

Execution Example

As discussed, while these exercises can be used in small groups to isolate fundamentals, they can also be quick touch-and-go warm-ups for practice!  We like to execute them in ranks going forward, ranks going in the opposite direction, and then as a team forward and as a team backwards!  This gives us full ability to isolate both individual quality AND dial the team into their responsibilities!  Here’s an example!


The best part?  These exercises are reconfigurable and flexible.  Choose the ones that you need or create your own versions that support the skills in your drill sequences!

Incorporating these simple warm-ups as a key portion of your practices will transform your team’s refinement over time.  We’re not looking for miracle gains, here.  We’re looking for slow growth over time as each team member dials into a higher and higher level of individual attention to detail and grows in their ability to be situationally aware of their teammates in any situation.

Updated on April 30, 2024

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