The Top 5️⃣ Design Concepts to Take Your Routine to the NEXT LEVEL 🤩! You need to be a member to access this article! Fill out this form to get information, pricing, and a...
Using the Service-Approved Regulation Scoresheets Overview In this module, we’ll look specifically at style of Regulation Drill scoresheets officially adopted by both Army JROTC and...
The Mindset of the Drill Meet Judge Assuming Overview Whether you’re an experienced drill team pro with years of experience, a cadet grader stepping into the judging...
Judging Flow: From Start to Finish Overview While EVERY part of a drill meet is just a piece of a complex ecosystem, every judge who wants...
The Point of Judging: Ranking & Rating the What & the How Overview This one is short and sweet but if we don’t stop and explore this concept, nothing else is going...
The Definitive Guide to Judging Drill Meets Overview This course is designed to prepare you to be the most effective drill meet judge you can be! Whether...
Competition – Hair Sock Bun Wrap Tutorial You need to be a member to access this article! Fill out this form to get information, pricing, and a...
Mic’d Up w/ DTD – Presentation Overview In this video, taken from a “Competition Tune-Up” workshop with a program competing at the highest levels, we share...
FREE – Proportional Scoring and How It Works Overview In this video, we discuss proportional scoring, a common way of determining an overall championship winner at many drill...
The DTD Warm-Up Exercise Program: Half Steps You need to be a member to access this article! Fill out this form to get information, pricing, and a...
The DTD Warm-Up Exercise Program: Color Guard Warm-Ups You need to be a member to access this article! Fill out this form to get information, pricing, and a...
The DTD Warm-Up Exercise Program: Armed Regulation Rifle Manual Warm-Up You need to be a member to access this article! Fill out this form to get information, pricing, and a...
The DTD Warm-Up Exercise Program: Fast Obliques You need to be a member to access this article! Fill out this form to get information, pricing, and a...
The DTD Warm-Up Exercise Program: Marching to the Rear You need to be a member to access this article! Fill out this form to get information, pricing, and a...