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Rifle Manual Mastery Masterclass


This is an index of each video module contained in our Rifle Manual Mastery Masterclass.

The videos linked herein are meant to be viewed in order from start to finish as a cohesive course of instruction.  While they can be viewed independently, they make most sense when worked through in the order presented.


The goal of this course of instruction is understanding how rifle manual can be applied effectively to competition drill.  Everything taught is guided by the “spirit and intent” of the drill manuals from which instruction is drawn, HOWEVER we are very clear to emphasize when adjustments should be made to accommodate the variety of developmental levels present in cadets which are NOT generally present in the adults for whom the manuals were written.  Throughout this course, you will learn how to effectively handle a drill rifle while learning teaching and training techniques designed to help facilitate correct, ergonomic motion with each rifle movement!

How to Implement

For teams just getting started, we recommend working through this course in order.  However, for more experienced groups, it IS possible to “pick and choose” the areas of most concern to spot-check your procedures and execution.  However, every single program – from newest to most experienced – can benefit from going through each video module together as a team!  Leaders, teachers, and coaches, we also recommend using this as a reference for your own teaching: you may find you don’t need to present the videos to everyone as the teaching techniques in each component can be easily replicated and mastered!


Section 1: Introduction

  1. Introduction
  2. Parts of the Rifle
  3. Build a Practice Implement at Home!

Section 2: Rifle Manual Movements

  1. Position of Attention
  2. Port Arms from Order Arms
  3. Right Shoulder Arms from Port Arms
  4. Port Arms from Right Shoulder Arms
  5. Left Shoulder Arms from Port Arms
  6. Port Arms from Left Shoulder Arms
  7. ARMY/AIR FORCE Present Arms
  8. MARINE CORPS/NAVY Present Arms
  9. ARMY/AIR FORCE Order Arms from Present Arms
  10. MARINE CORPS/NAVY Order Arms from Present Arms
  11. Order Arms from Port Arms
  12. Order Arms Update SY22-23
  13. The 15 & 14-Count Manual of Arms
  14. Parade Rest
  15. Facing Movements

Section 3: Bonus Material 

  1. Inspection Arms
  2. Marching With Arms Tips & Tricks
  3. Changing Rifle Positions While Marching
Updated on March 26, 2025

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