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  3. Foundations of Excellence: Snap & Pop
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  3. Foundations of Excellence: Snap & Pop

Foundations of Excellence: Snap & Pop


This is an index of each video module contained in our Foundations of Excellence (“Snap & Pop”) Masterclass.

The videos linked herein are meant to be viewed in order from start to finish as a cohesive course of instruction.  While they can be viewed independently, they make most sense when worked through in the order presented.


This course is designed to familiarize you with the fundamentals of military drill: the snap and pop required to make each and every movement shine.  While these skills will follow you through every phase of drill from Regulation to Color Guard, and even to Exhibition, we’ll explore the fundamentals of movement and timing through the lens of Stationary Drill, Marching, and Pivoting.  These rudimental skills form the core of everything you’ll ever be asked to do in the drill team activity and, as such, anyone of any skill level would benefit from working through these modules!

How to Implement

This course is best implemented on-site under instructor/coach supervision.  It is delivered “work-out style” in that it’s meant to be worked through in person from start to finish along with the videos.  The total course is probably long enough to break up across multiple practices (though your schedule will dictate the best usage) and we’d recommend rolling a projector to your practice area, clearing some classroom space, etc. to make sure everyone has enough room to move effectively!


Section 1: Introduction

  1. Welcome & Introduction
  2. Practice Tips

Section 2: Standing Manual

  1. Position of Attention
  2. Left/Right Face – Count 1
  3. Left/Right Face – Count 2
  4. Left/Right Face – Timing & Space
  5. Left/Right Face – Putting it Together
  6. About Face

Section 3: Marching

  1. Marching

Section 4: Pivoting

  1. Mechanics
  2. Arm Swing & Timing
  3. To the Rear (Rear) March
Updated on April 30, 2024

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