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  3. Using the Service-Approved Regulation Scoresheets

Using the Service-Approved Regulation Scoresheets


In this module, we’ll look specifically at style of Regulation Drill scoresheets officially adopted by both Army JROTC and Marine Corps JROTC as well as the sheets most commonly utilized by Air Force JROTC (and many other) programs.

While these scoresheets are aesthetically different and may have minor clerical differences (i.e. the MCJROTC sheets only ask the Head Judge to score the Cadet Commander), they all fall into the category of scoring we refer to as “Line-By-Line.”

Line-By-Line Scoring

This method of scoring is exactly as the name implies: you will primarily render scores for each command listed on the scoresheet on a scale of 1 to something before also assigning point values to overall areas of performance such as “Technical Impression” or “Precision Impression.”

Line-By-Line style scoring can be, well, a pain, if you’re not familiar with the sequence of commands, what to look in each command, or even how Regulation Drill typically functions at high school drill meets.  This is so much an issue that we see more and more pockets of local drill meets moving AWAY from this usually-ineffectual method of scoring.

However, if you’re judging a meet that uses Line-By-Line sheets, it’s important to understand how to use them to do the best job possible for the competing teams!


Before we dive in, it’s important to recognize that there is NO WRITTEN GUIDANCE about how to use these sheets.  The methodology we’re about to describe is the best way we’ve found after over a decade of teaching, training, AND judging to help the team on the other end of the sheet.

Army JROTC Sheet Overview

Head Judge Scoresheet:

  1. Your Name – VERY important for breaking ties & tracking sheets!
  2. School Name/Team Name – VERY Important for knowing which team this belongs to!
  3. Commander Initials – As per JUDGING FLOW, collect these at initial brief!
  4. Number of Cadets – Count the number of cadets TO INCLUDE COMMANDER as you check the team in!
  5. Command List – These are the commands in the order each team should perform them!
  6. Points – This is where you will check how many points to award per command!
  7. Technical & Precision Impression – This is where you will assign points for general categories!
  8. Penalties – Put the NUMBER OF INSTANCES, not the POINT values (i.e. if they had ONE incorrect command, list “1” and NOT “-5”)!
  9. Notes – A…space (?!) for notes you may have!

NOTE: You will NOT total anything on your scoresheet!  That’s why the areas for point totals are crossed out!

Field Judge Scoresheet:

  1. Your Name – VERY important for breaking ties & tracking sheets!
  2. School Name/Team Name – VERY Important for knowing which team this belongs to!
  3. Command List – These are the commands in the order each team should perform them!
  4. Points – This is where you will check how many points to award per command!
  5. Technical & Precision Impression – This is where you will assign points for general categories!
  6. Notes – You get more space for notes than the Head Judge!

Marine Corps JROTC Scoresheet Overview

Head Judge Scoresheet:

  1. Your Name – VERY important for breaking ties & tracking sheets!
  2. School Name/Team Name – VERY Important for knowing which team this belongs to!
  3. Commander Initials – As per JUDGING FLOW, collect these at initial brief!
  4. Number of Cadets – Count the number of cadets TO INCLUDE COMMANDER as you check the team in!
  5. Command List – These are the commands in the order each team should perform them!
  6. Points – This is where you will check how many points to award per command!
  7. Technical & Precision Impression – This is where you will assign points for general categories!
  8. Cadet Commander Score – This is where you’ll score the unit leader!
  9. Penalties – Put the NUMBER OF INSTANCES, not the POINT values (i.e. if they had ONE incorrect command, list “1” and NOT “-5”)!
  10. Notes – A…space (?!) for notes you may have!

NOTE: You will NOT total anything on your scoresheet!  That’s why the areas for point totals are crossed out!

Field Judge Scoresheet:

  1. Your Name – VERY important for breaking ties & tracking sheets!
  2. School Name/Team Name – VERY Important for knowing which team this belongs to!
  3. Command List – These are the commands in the order each team should perform them!
  4. Points – This is where you will check how many points to award per command!
  5. Technical & Precision Impression – This is where you will assign points for general categories!
  6. Notes – You get more space for notes than the Head Judge!

NOTE: You will NOT total anything on your scoresheet!  That’s why the areas for point totals are crossed out!

AFJROTC-Approved (And MANY Other Meets) Scoresheet Overview

Head Judge Scoresheet:

  1. Your Name – VERY important for breaking ties & tracking sheets!
  2. School Name/Team Name – VERY Important for knowing which team this belongs to!
  3. Commander Initials – As per JUDGING FLOW, collect these at initial brief!
  4. Command List – These are the commands in the order each team should perform them!
  5. Points – This is where you will check how many points to award per command!
  6. Technical & Precision Impression – This is where you will assign points for general categories!
  7. Cadet Commander Score – This is where you’ll score the unit leader!
  8. Penalties – Put the NUMBER OF INSTANCES, not the POINT values (i.e. if they had ONE incorrect command, list “1” and NOT “-5”)!
  9. Notes – A…space (?!) for notes you may have!

NOTE: You will NOT total anything on your scoresheet!  That’s why the areas for point totals are crossed out!

Field Judge Scoresheet:

  1. Your Name – VERY important for breaking ties & tracking sheets!
  2. School Name/Team Name – VERY Important for knowing which team this belongs to!
  3. Command List – These are the commands in the order each team should perform them!
  4. Points – This is where you will check how many points to award per command!
  5. Technical & Precision Impression – This is where you will assign points for general categories!
  6. Cadet Commander Score – This is where you’ll score the unit leader!
  7. Notes – You get more space for notes than the Head Judge!

NOTE: You will NOT total anything on your scoresheet!  That’s why the areas for point totals are crossed out!

Assigning Points – Command Scores

Point value assignments herein are based on the DTD RATING FRAMEWORK found earlier in this module!  Stop and familiarize yourself with these criteria before proceeding!

On Line-By-Line scoresheets with point values 1-5:

1 – Not Competition-Ready

2 – Needs Improvement OR Significant Deviation from Stated Manual(s)

3 – Proficient

4 – Excellent

5 – Sets New Standards for the Entirety of the Drill Team Activity (For those WITHOUT deep drill team experience, DO NOT AWARD!)

On Line-By-Line scoresheets with point values 1-7:

1 – Not Competition-Ready

2-3 – Needs Improvement OR Significant Deviation from Stated Manual(s)

3-4 – Proficient

5-6 – Excellent

7 – Sets New Standards for the Entirety of the Drill Team Activity (For those WITHOUT deep drill team experience, DO NOT AWARD!)

On Line-By-Line scoresheets with point values 1-9:

1 – Not Competition-Ready

2-3 – Needs Improvement OR Significant Deviation from Stated Manual(s)

4-6 – Proficient

7-8 – Excellent

9 – Sets New Standards for the Entirety of the Drill Team Activity (For those WITHOUT deep drill team experience, DO NOT AWARD!)

Assigning Points – Precision & Technical Impression


Assigning Points – Cadet Commander Score


Command-by-Command Evaluation Criteria Cheatsheet

Column Right & Column Left

  • Teams MUST do the following to earn above a DEVELOPING score:
    • ALL members of the inboard squad/element must step out in the new direction with an intentionally full-sized step (i.e. NOT a half step)
    • ALL members behind the squad/element leaders must pivot at the pivot points established by the squad/element leaders (i.e. NOT move the pivot points further forward than initially established as the column continues)
    • USA/MC/N: All members of the outboard squad must come abreast WITHOUT transitioning to a half-step (i.e. NO member of the outboard squad/element should ever half step; most commonly, teams will exit the half step in unison on a clearly-practiced “count” forcing, at a minimum, the outboard squad leader to take up a half step)
    • USAF: All members of the flight must enter the half step before the “Forward, MARCH” command is given
  • Teams MUST do the all of the previous PLUS the following to earn above a PROFICIENT score:
    • USA/MC/N: Outboard squad members should come abreast of their rank in 2 step intervals AND ranks should resume the quick time step in 2 step intervals from front to rear (i.e. NOT in unison, not unclearly, but very intentionally from front to rear)
    • USMC/N/AF: The SECOND pivot point in the outboard squad/elements should be aligned to the base squad/element’s first pivot and maintained consistently throughout

This module is part of The Definitive Guide to Judging Drill Meets!

Updated on December 18, 2024

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