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Competition Color Guard Masterclass


This is an index of each video module contained in our Competition Color Guard Masterclass.

The videos linked herein are meant to be viewed in order from start to finish as a cohesive course of instruction.  While they can be viewed independently, they make most sense when worked through in the order presented.


This course is about competing – and succeeding – in Color Guard competition!  Everything presented herein is designed to fit a competition schematic, not necessarily a ceremonial one.  As such, we make it a point to explain why we make the decisions we make when it comes to competing with a Color Guard team!

All of our Army knowledge is drawn from our Color Guard SME: Ed Luckey, MSG, USA (Ret.) MSG Luckey is the former AI at Alamo Heights High School and holds the distinction of being the winningest Color Guard coach perhaps of all time.  He is currently a member of the DTD Instructor Network and regularly teaches and trains teams across the country to succeed.

Our Marine Corps (and therefore Navy) base is drawn from officially published guidance from HQ MCJROTC.  In 2021, the Regional Directors sought to unify their programs’ approach to Color Guard drill and authorized a standard interpretation for each commonly executed movement.

MARINE CORPS UNITS SHOULD REFER ALSO TO THE OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED GUIDANCE LOCATED BY CLICKING HERE!  All MCJROTC units should have been provided a username & password from their Regional Director.  If you do not have one, contact us or your RD to gain access!

How to Implement

For teams just getting started, we recommend working through this course in order.  However, for more experienced groups, it IS possible to “pick and choose” the areas of most concern to spot-check your procedures and execution.  However, we have to stress that this system of Color Guard is just that: a system.  It’s best utilized in its totality meaning that we recommend each group work through the modules in order from start to finish.


Section 1: Introduction

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Competitive Color Guard Adjustments & Methodology

Section 2: ARMY Standing Movements

  1. Falling In
  2. FLAGS: Position of Attention
  3. RIFLES: Position of Attention
  4. FLAGS: Parade Rest
  5. RIFLES: Parade Rest
  6. FLAGS: Carry Colors
  7. RIFLES: Right Shoulder Arms
  8. RIFLES: Carry Colors Adjustments
  9. Carry Colors Explanation
  10. FLAGS: Order Colors
  11. RIFLES: Order Arms
  12. RIFLES Order Colors Adjustments
  13. Order Colors Explanation
  14. FULL COLOR GUARD: Present Arms

Section 3: ARMY Marching Movements 

  1. Marching & Marking Time Explanation
  2. Left & Right Wheels
  3. Colors Reverse
  4. Colors Reverse Cadet Commander Update SY22-23

Section 4: MCO Standing Movements

  1. Falling In
  2. FLAGS: Position of Attention
  3. RIFLES: Position of Attention
  4. FLAGS: Parade Rest
  5. RIFLES: Parade Rest
  6. FLAGS: Carry Colors
  7. RIFLES: Right Shoulder Arms
  8. RIFLES: Left Shoulder Arms
  9. RIFLES: Carry Colors
  10. FLAGS: Order Colors
  11. RIFLES: Order Arms
  12. RIFLES: Order Colors
  13. FLAGS: Present Colors
  14. RIFLES: Present Arms
  15. RIFLES: Present Colors

Section 5: MCO Marching Movements

  1. MCO Marching & Marking Time Explanation
  2. Left & Right Turns
  3. Countermarch

Section 6: Uncasing & Casing the Colors (Army Procedures)

  1. Uncasing Step-by-Step
  2. Casing Step-by-Step
  3. Individual Skills: Sling Arms Demo
  4. Individual Skills: Tucking the Cases
  5. Individual Skills: Sling Arms Breakdown
  6. Individual Skills: Untucking the Cases
  7. Individual Skills: Folding & Unfolding the Cases
  8. Individual Skills: Present & Order Arms at Sling Arms
  9. MCO – Transitioning to Army Procedures

Section 7: Bonus Content

  1. Forming Your Team: Steps-Per-Minute Clocking
  2. Standing Manual Training Tips: Partner Work & The Box
  3. Marching Manual Training Tips: 8s-and-8s Across the Floor
  4. ARMY/NAVY/AIR FORCE ONLY: Color Guard Gear Recommendation
Updated on April 30, 2024

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