UPDATE: Colors Reverse (Stationary & Marching) as of 19 MARCH 2025
UPDATE: Colors Reverse Walk-Through SY24-25
As of the 2021-22 competitive season, we’ve made an adjustment to the National Color Bearer position based on previous competitive trends and interviews with various judging teams across the country.
Rather than executing the “turn while marking time” component in ONE singular count by shifting on the ball of the foot, the National Color Bearer should execute the “turn while marking time” portion in TWO Mark Time steps, turning smoothly to the new direction of march.
This helps avoid the color guard team from being docked for “pivoting” by less experienced judging teams while also ensuring the National Color Bearer is in place first to set the base of alignment for the team.
This video is from the Competition Color Guard Masterclass.
You can view the entire course library by following the link above!