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  3. Literally An Entire E-Book on Solo Exhibition Drill

Literally An Entire E-Book on Solo Exhibition Drill


This book was written for anyone looking to break into solo armed exhibition for the first time OR for anyone looking to compete at a higher level.  It takes the reader from deciding they want to perform a solo through performing or competing with it for the first time and offers advice, guidance, and suggestions based on years of collective experience!


Periodically, we teach individual Solo Exhibition drill private lessons.  And in doing so, we have formulated what we believe to be a highly-effective approach to this unique facet of the activity.  Rather than continue to pass along the same information time and time again, we wrote a book.  This course of instruction is that book broken up into manageable pieces. You’ll learn everything about Solo Exhibition from where to start to how to practice to how to perform.  This is the most comprehensive resource on the subject available anywhere!

How to Use

We recommend reading this one start to finish.  We know – it’s a lot.  And it’s a lot for a reason: solo exhibition is easy to do but very difficult to do well.  The path may be wide but the road to success is not well-trodden.  We also recommend you take notes.  Get a notebook with grid paper and use it specifically for everything solo!  Carry it with you to practice.  Carry it with you to Taco Bell so you can jot an idea down when it strikes you.  There’s no shortcut to being a successful soloist but this book was written to demystify the process for our live private lesson students!

This is best implemented on your personal time.  Solo Exhibition drill is a uniquely individual activity and this requires you to put in the additional time and effort on your own – it’s part of the process that makes it great!

Make sure to keep safety in mind at all times; always practice within your comfort and ability level and make sure you have supervision at all times when working through video materials!

Read the E-Book

  1. Forging a Champion: The Definitive Guide to Solo Exhibition Drill

Bonus Material

  1. Solo Exhibition Drill Playlist
  2. Half-Beat Spin
  3. Right Handed OTH Spins
  4. Centino Crossplane
  5. Thumb Spin Transition
  6. The Ninja
  7. Thumb Rolls
  8. Drags
  9. Reverse Hand Taps
  10. Shoulder Rolls
  11. Tap Loft Aerials
  12. Z-Plane Lateral Two-Handed Spin
  13. OTH Skip Drill Basics
  14. Right Shoulder Whip Flow
  15. Neck Roll
Updated on April 30, 2024

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error: This content is protected, however we encourage you to take copious notes of your own!