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Find Your Voice (Command Voice Development)


This is an index of each video module contained in our Find Your Voice (Command Voice Development) Masterclass.

The videos linked herein are meant to be viewed in order from start to finish as a cohesive course of instruction.  While they can be viewed independently, they make most sense when worked through in the order presented.


This course is designed to give you tools to IMPROVE your command voice.  While it touches on the universal characteristics of a good command voice (i.e. inflection, volume, snap, etc.), it is meant to supplement the instruction you receive from your drill manuals, JROTC instructors, etc. when it comes to giving commands!

How to Implement

This course is broken up into different segments and you should feel free to move around and explore the ones that are most interesting (or needed) for you!


Section 1: Introduction

  1. Introduction

Section 2: Breathing

  1. Taking a Proper Breath
  2. Breathing Exercise: Fight for Air
  3. Breathing Exercise: The Dragon

Command Voice

  1. Finding Your Voice
  2. Giving a Command
  3. Commanding Exercise: Using a Cork

Reporting In & Out

  1. Example Verbiage for Each Phase
Updated on April 30, 2024

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